Energy-Saver Lighting Design

Using energy-efficient lighting fixtures is certainly one practicable way for the home-owners to save money and help in maintaining a sound environment. This is the case among the elites and ordinary dwellers, but such remains only a goal for others whose choices of lighting materials seem to be limited with what is usually bought in the market. Nevertheless, it is not just through good options that any buyer could ensure having environment-friendly illumination at home given that there are some personal ways by which a good amount of money from lower electrical bills can be saved yet without leaving any space too dim. Specifically, if you are a wise home-dweller, these are the simple ways for you to have energy-saver lighting design:

Prefer a Layered Approach

It is common in some houses to have a single switch for many lights and that would be economically disadvantageous if there is really no need for wider illumination in a particular area. Hence, before following the same strategy which is fallaciously believed to be practical, it is wise to know how much light do you need first; through which, you can avoid wasting energy and money. And better yet, you should consider having multi-scene controls instead for that can provide combinations of various levels for different lighting circuits in any room.

Install Dimmers

If you are using wall sconces, hanging pendants, or chandeliers, it would be wise to replace them with electronic dimmers that can be beneficial in paying lower electricity bills. But in using them, it is necessary to match with luminaire for an attractive combination of lights. Further, the incandescent and fluorescent light fixtures should also be controlled distinctively considering that they are primarily designed to dim in similar ways.

Use Energy Start-labeled Fixtures

As you probably know, the products with energy-saving labels are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency; hence, you are assured of using practical lighting materials. Specifically, they include the floor and table lamps, pendants, ceiling fixtures, and recessed cans among others. And it is noteworthy that using these fixtures are already proven to be efficient in lowering electrical bills and/or saving energy which is quite beneficial for the environment.

Have Compact Fluorescent Fixtures

Incorporating good CFL fixtures into the home lighting designs is also beneficial as they can also save energy and provide better illumination for a simple home. Likewise, using such makes it possible for the fluorescent bulbs to last for a longer time and, thus, reducing the possibility of getting back to incandescent lights. In other words, as noted by a lighting expert, it ensures energy-efficient lighting design because it prolongs the life of the fixtures.

Utilize T8 Fluorescent lamps and Electronic Ballasts

According to a lighting authority, replacing the T12 fluorescent lamps with T8 and electronic ballasts can boost efficiency in saving energy above 50% and the color quality as well. It is quite essential considering that quality of color is one major factor for many home dwellers, but you should note that shifting to electronic ballast would require you to perform some wiring tasks.

Meanwhile, it is crucial to remember that having an efficient lighting design does not simply mean using the fixtures with longer life expectancy and can consume lesser electricity because, after all, it is on how you use them and save energy that matter the most. 

Meanwhile, it is crucial to remember that having an efficient lighting design does not simply mean using the fixtures with longer life expectancy and can consume lesser electricity because, after all, it is on how you use them and save energy that matter the most.